— How do some animals put on huge gains of muscle mass without working out?


Where I’m from, deer hunting has always been a popular pastime. Old heads always talk about bucks (male deer) “blowing up” during the seasonal rut. I understand their natural testosterone goes through the roof during that time, and that affects their behavior, but it also makes them *jacked* for a short time. They put on obvious and almost extreme muscle mass in their necks and forelegs, to assist in fights with other males, and then go back to their normal size after the rut has ended. How does testosterone do this by itself? The deer aren’t doing exercises to target those muscles, the increase in testosterone just bulks them up by itself. If a human was to massively boost their testosterone, say with steroids, it wouldn’t make them muscular by itself. Intense workouts are still required to build any of that mass. If we didn’t, the extra T would just make us fat, bald, and greasy.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The animals are designed to put on large amounts of muscle in the situation you described. Human beings are not designed to put on large amounts of muscle.

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