how do some chickens make a majority of “double yolk”?


I had a carton of eggs, so far 5/12 have contained a double yolk (there are 3 left) this seems well beyond the estimates for young/old chickens online and by their math, astronomically unlikely.

Are there reasons this may happen related to the chicken?

In: 7

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, a quick google search has told me that in chickens, a double yolk is indicative of fraternal twins (whereas an identical twin would be two embryos developing in the same yolk if the egg was fertilized and went through gestation properly) – in humans we’ve found two genes that affect ovulation and in particular a variant that induces hyperovulation – this makes it more likely for a woman with that gene to produce fraternal twins.

This would suggest that a similar gene may be found in chickens, but I haven’t found anything that looks like research on the topic in the few minutes I’ve looked.

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