how do some websites prevent you from using the ‘back’ button to leave the page?


Often when I’m googling something I’ll go to a few pages, so I’ll click a link, and then use the back button to return to the search results and find another link. But sometimes the back button just reloads the page, and even tapping it multiple times doesn’t work. How and why do some websites do this? Surely it should be my browser that’s controlling if it goes back or not, rather than the website it’s on?

In: 197

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The website can use a “filler” (not sure if there’s a term for it) page in between pages that automatically forwards to another page. Instead of going from Page A to B (the desired page), it goes from A to C (“filler” page), which executes a script to automatically redirect you to B. So when you try to back out from B, you hit C instead, which pushes you back to B.

Usually, if you hold down on the back button, it’ll bring up a list of previous pages in the sequence they were visited. You can usually see the redirect page in that list.

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