How do sports scouts determine a player’s potential?

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E.g. there’s two players in the squad, both 16 years old. How do scouts know that one of them will be better in the future (potential)?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Been a baseball scout for a bit now. Most of it goes based on athletic ability and smarts. How does the athlete move? How do they react to tough scenarios? A player may not be putting up the greatest stats, but some of those players still move better than the kid with better stats.

Some kids hit .500 in high school, but they don’t move well, and therefore they will not produce at the next level. Alternatively, a kid may be hitting .340 but moves well, so you know he can go hit .340 at the next level.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the meat market there are two t-bone steaks hanging on a rack. One is a little more marbled and the other is thicker. Which do you buy?

Anonymous 0 Comments

when you dedicate your life to something, you begin to notice all of the little things. how is their technique, their instincts. its hard to re-teach or untrain bad technique

what do coaches say about commitment and coachability and personality

when speaking to the kids; what kind of words do they use to describe practicing, and playing….

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a football player for Spain at the moment Yamal who is 16/17. He plays like he he has already been playing for 20 years because he’s so mature about his game. You wouldn’t think based on his game how young he is. If you saw him next to your average 16 yr old good player it’s night and day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other than raw stats and general athleticism… sometimes its just a matter of size/genetics. My area just had a kid with colleges fighting over him. 6’5″ and over 300lb in High School.