how do stimulant medications help people with hyperactive ADHD?


I understand the energy of stimulant medications may help *inattentive type* ADHD people to focus: but how would they help someone who is already *hyperactive*?

It sounds counter-intuitive : ELI5?

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9 Answers

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Jack Panksepp discovered the play circuitry in mammals and was able to successfully suppress this circuitry using stimulants

The stimulants stop you from wanting to play, so when you no longer want to play you are less curious and more obedient and since you are less curious the brain does not go wandering and is able to better focus on a single taks

I’m sure there are plenty of other things that the drug does and so the above could just be a side effect but it is pretty interesting what happens to a person who is not able to develop the play circuitry fully …

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