how do stimulant medications help people with hyperactive ADHD?


I understand the energy of stimulant medications may help *inattentive type* ADHD people to focus: but how would they help someone who is already *hyperactive*?

It sounds counter-intuitive : ELI5?

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9 Answers

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Our brains make a chemical called dopamine. It has many functions, including regulating our movements and making us feel rewarded when we use our brains to plan or to keep doing something when it’s not really interesting to us. People with ADHD have trouble with motivation and concentration because our brains aren’t able to make and use dopamine as effectively as others’, and this can make us constantly seek new experiences to create more dopamine, and sometimes to move in repetitive or compulsive ways. Stimulant medication works by making sure our brains don’t reabsorb all of our dopamine, and sometimes by also encouraging our brains to release a little more, and this helps both our concentration and regulation of our fine motor skills.

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