They don’t. They make money off people subscribing, so what they want to do is maximise how many new people are subscribing, and minimise how many people are cancelling their subscriptions.
One of the best ways to get someone to subscribe is to make them think that your product is worth subscribing to, and you do that by making people talk about the stuff on your platform. To keep people talking, you need to keep making or buying new stuff (cos everyone who would have subscribed due to some old content in your library has already subscribed before now – there aren’t many people just waking up today thinking “y’know what, I should watch The Good Place, that thing that’s been on Netflix for years already”).
One of the best ways to get someone to not unsubscribe (aside from making unsubscribing really hard) is to make them feel like they may as well keep the subscription because they never know when your platform might add something they want to watch. To do this, you need a steady flow of new content, either things you’ve commissioned or existing shows/movies you’ve purchased the rights to show. New stuff needs to come often enough that viewers can’t catch on to a regular pattern and know when to re-subscribe, eg “they always dump a bunch of new content every 3 months”, so you need quite a high volume of new stuff.
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