How do these Chinese Content Farms, where dozens of people sit packed in front of selfie rings in dilapidated locations, work? What are they streaming?


How do these Chinese Content Farms, where dozens of people sit packed in front of selfie rings in dilapidated locations, work? What are they streaming?

In: 64

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of these content farms brand themselves as “media” companies that are basically providing a form of entertainment with their trained hosts…some will even have under their brand, personalities that specialise in online selling of products (product influencers) etc

Im sure you’ve probably seen the video of rows of girls sitting on concrete floors in an unrenovated office building doing their thing but the majority of them definitely arent located in dilapidated locations…many are located in upscale apartments or office buildings where these locations are cordoned off into smaller rooms/personal filming spaces for the hosts…after all, they are selling a certain image and it’s not a good look to have the streamer all dolled up with a shitty backdrop

If you want to experience these streams for yourselves, just download tantan (Chinese tinder) or momo (another social app) and then change your location to china and you should be able to access these streams…you’ll know which streams these are by the headshots of these influencers that are heavily photoshopped and filtered

The reason I recommend these two apps is because they are used mainly to interact with the other sex…and it will be on here where the streams really demonstrate the para-social aspects of the relationship between the host and viewer…there are other apps like Xiao hong shu (little red book) which focus more on selling products etc or may have a host trained to sell/model clothing that would attract sales from girls and then flirt on the side and talk about their lives to attract the lonely males

Males go on tantan and momo to look for girls…and many will be regulars of these girls’ streams…if you watch any of the higly ranked streams long enough, you’ll start seeing viewers showering these girls with gifts that come in the form of digitized stickers like cars or yachts or bouquet of roses etc…all of which cost a shit ton of real life money to buy…for example a bouquet of roses could cost 99 RMB while a yacht could cost 999RMB (160USD or so)

I remember watching a stream of a girl playing the Chinese zither (harplike instrument)…she was beautiful and would wear revealing outfits while playing the instrument…no joke, she would make thousands of (US) dollars for performing a couple of hours each night (if she even felt like streaming at all)…she’d chat most of the time to her viewers and play a couple of tunes here and there…I was gobsmacked how easily she was raking it in

If you don’t have a certain talent, then for the most part, these girls would have to rely on their looks and charms…it’ll just be an endless stream of fake laughing, pouty eyes and duck lips…they may sing a song now and then…invite other streamers to chat and play games and other mundane stuff like that…it really just takes one or two big spending whales to get hooked and these girls will be comfortably hitting the monthly targets set by their companies and sharing in the wealth…as another poster mentioned, the sad thing is that many big spenders are actually lonely guys that can ill afford this type of lavishness but do it in the hopes of winning the girls affection

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of these content farms brand themselves as “media” companies that are basically providing a form of entertainment with their trained hosts…some will even have under their brand, personalities that specialise in online selling of products (product influencers) etc

Im sure you’ve probably seen the video of rows of girls sitting on concrete floors in an unrenovated office building doing their thing but the majority of them definitely arent located in dilapidated locations…many are located in upscale apartments or office buildings where these locations are cordoned off into smaller rooms/personal filming spaces for the hosts…after all, they are selling a certain image and it’s not a good look to have the streamer all dolled up with a shitty backdrop

If you want to experience these streams for yourselves, just download tantan (Chinese tinder) or momo (another social app) and then change your location to china and you should be able to access these streams…you’ll know which streams these are by the headshots of these influencers that are heavily photoshopped and filtered

The reason I recommend these two apps is because they are used mainly to interact with the other sex…and it will be on here where the streams really demonstrate the para-social aspects of the relationship between the host and viewer…there are other apps like Xiao hong shu (little red book) which focus more on selling products etc or may have a host trained to sell/model clothing that would attract sales from girls and then flirt on the side and talk about their lives to attract the lonely males

Males go on tantan and momo to look for girls…and many will be regulars of these girls’ streams…if you watch any of the higly ranked streams long enough, you’ll start seeing viewers showering these girls with gifts that come in the form of digitized stickers like cars or yachts or bouquet of roses etc…all of which cost a shit ton of real life money to buy…for example a bouquet of roses could cost 99 RMB while a yacht could cost 999RMB (160USD or so)

I remember watching a stream of a girl playing the Chinese zither (harplike instrument)…she was beautiful and would wear revealing outfits while playing the instrument…no joke, she would make thousands of (US) dollars for performing a couple of hours each night (if she even felt like streaming at all)…she’d chat most of the time to her viewers and play a couple of tunes here and there…I was gobsmacked how easily she was raking it in

If you don’t have a certain talent, then for the most part, these girls would have to rely on their looks and charms…it’ll just be an endless stream of fake laughing, pouty eyes and duck lips…they may sing a song now and then…invite other streamers to chat and play games and other mundane stuff like that…it really just takes one or two big spending whales to get hooked and these girls will be comfortably hitting the monthly targets set by their companies and sharing in the wealth…as another poster mentioned, the sad thing is that many big spenders are actually lonely guys that can ill afford this type of lavishness but do it in the hopes of winning the girls affection

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Very simple OP. Para social relationships that pray on desperate men in a country with a massive disparity between male and female genders. Desperate men pay money for attention from their favourite streamer which then leads them to pay more money the more attention they get. The amount of money involve here is pretty massive and is entirely controlled by influencer “agencies” that essentially force these women to work around the clock generating donations. It’s basically social online prostitution. Most of the women after awhile get completely burnt out mentally and turn into a husk of their former selves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Very simple OP. Para social relationships that pray on desperate men in a country with a massive disparity between male and female genders. Desperate men pay money for attention from their favourite streamer which then leads them to pay more money the more attention they get. The amount of money involve here is pretty massive and is entirely controlled by influencer “agencies” that essentially force these women to work around the clock generating donations. It’s basically social online prostitution. Most of the women after awhile get completely burnt out mentally and turn into a husk of their former selves.