How do these massive, heavy ships float on water?


How are boats that are incredibly heavy able to float on water and sail across ocean? I mean, the cruise ships these days are MASSIVE!! 🛳️

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Consider a bucket.

It takes up a huge amount of volume, but only comprises a small amount of plastic.

Try to push it under water, and it’s really hard work: in order for the bucket to go down, an equivalent amount of water has to go up, in order to make room. If you’ve got a five-gallon bucket, that’s five gallons of water you’re pushing up in the air.

(its a thin wide layer that rises up, to you won’t be able to see it in a large body of water, but try doing it in something small, like a sink or bathtub, and it’ll make a big change in the water level)

Water is *really heavy*, and it wants to go down, please – it’s a lot heavier than an empty bucket, and it wants down [a lot harder than the bucket does](

And this only gets more pronounced, the bigger you get.

Make a million-gallon bucket, and that’s a million gallons of water you’re lifting up in order to sink it, which is an absolute *fuckton* more than the empty bucket weighs.

And that means the total weight the bucket can support – is one fuckton minus one bucket.

You can make that bucket out of iron or even concrete, and it’ll still have plenty of floatiness leftover.

Congratulations, you have just invented the ship. Just maybe make it pointy so it goes faster.

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