How do they determine the amount of degrees it “feels like” outside as opposed to the actual temperature?


You know how sometimes you’ll open up a weather app and it’ll say that it’s 80°F, feels like 92°F, or when it’s super cold it’ll say 10°F, feels like -2°F?

How do they determine what a certain temperature feels like? Is it based on humidity, wind, or pressure? I figured that ‘feels like’ would be more subjective, which is why I’m always confused when it says that.

In: 4

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s two types of temperature measurements. Wet bulb and dry bulb. Dry bulb is exactly that. You take a dry mercury thermometer, put it outside and it will tell you the temperature.

Wet bulb is a little more complicated. But basically you wrap a damp cloth around the mercury bulb and allow any natural breeze to hit it. The water in the cloth will absorb heat from the bulb and then blow away on the breeze leading to potentially cooler temperatures.

Why do this? Well it simulates out ability to self regulate temperature. IE sweat. If you’re able to sweat you’re able to cool off and wet bulb attempts to consider how sweating plays into perceived temperature.

If it’s hot and there’s no breeze and it’s humid, sweating isn’t going to be very effective. There’s already moisture in the air so the sweat cant evaporate off after absorbing the body heat. A breeze helps cool you by convection, your body heat slowly heats the air around you, so that air around you gets warmer. A breeze will blow away that warmer air and bring in ambient air which will be cooler.

A wet bulb measurement is a rough estimate of how those natural effects will influence how the human body perceives the temperature.

For example, if it’s 100% humidity and stagnant, as low as 90° F can be lethal temperatures. Conversely, in 0% humidity with a breeze 120°F is something you can survive for hours. Just be sure to hydrate.

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