how do they film sex scenes in movies, especially in shots where it seems like actors are clearly having sex (question triggered after watching poor things)

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how do they film sex scenes in movies, especially in shots where it seems like actors are clearly having sex (question triggered after watching poor things)

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15 Answers

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In the most extreme examples (Nymphomaniac) they can film the actors pretending to have sex, then bring in performers who will actually have sex and then they can digitally composite the two so above the waist is actor and below the waist is sex performer.

But in most cases, it’s just clever camera work and small coverups they call “modesty garments”

Anonymous 0 Comments

On any production worth it’s salt, it’s carefully planned, professional, and somewhat awkward. Things are cleared with the actors well ahead of time what they’re comfortable with (often times before they even sign on to do the film), and the scene is normally planned out to a T so that camera, lighting, etc know exactly where to be for what. Genitals are covered unless they need to be shown, and tricky angles are used so that the audience doesnt see. There’s a lot of start and stopping for adjustments and different takes, so actors have to turn it on and off. It’s rare that they just roll it and let them do it spontaneously. I’m sure some people get turned on, but it’s probably more common that all the stop-start, and people watching, and sheer awkwardness of it makes it so that people aren’t typically getting that aroused.

There’s typically an intimacy director to make sure the actors feel comfortable at all times and everything is kept professional.

This is on normal budget stuff. I’m sure on indie, student or art films, a lot of this stuff goes out the window in favor of spontaneity and “real-ness” and there definitely have been cases in history where the actors are actually fucking, even if you cant see it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depending on the shot needed they can use custom made “underwear” that covers the amount of genitals the actors feel comfortable with, and that the shot needs. Anything from a large bandage sized strip of skin color cloth that is taped on.

Such as these

In other scenes they wear normal underwear or shorts and carefully covered bed sheets. It’s like how do they film gun fights without actually killing the actors or film crew. Acting, props and camera angles. Brandon Lee and the crew of rust being notable exceptions.