How do they get human waste down from mountain huts in really cold regions ?


I first thought it would be done with pipes bit with the permafrost in some regions it would become solid.

In: 11

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

well….you don’t.

the traditional solution is the “long drop” type stand alone latrine. you just dig a big hole, put a toilet seat over it, and every few years you dig a new one 10 feet to the right. when your only dealing with single household’s worth of people, its a mostly management situation.

for larger set ups with road access, you can build a septic tank that can be kept above freezing, and just pumped out when needed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same way it’s done in pretty much all remote settlements that are not connected to the water grid. Septic tanks. There’s a septic tank buried in the ground outside the house and all waste is deposited in there. This tank has to be emptied periodically when it fills up by a truck

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many of our Canadian alpine huts have an outhouse that simply drops down into a barrel. Once full, the barrels get a lid and swapped out for an empty one (2 person job). The full barrels are flown off by helicopter when the hut custodians come to do maintenance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the ground is always frozen the poop stays frozen and that mitigates a lot of the issues of a latrine. If the ground is frozen only some of the time probably sceptic tank installed in the summer

Anonymous 0 Comments
