How do they program a touch screen?


I definitely take this technology for granted, but on occasion I find myself blown away by how they do this. Especially in some applications where you can zoom in and it still works flawlessly. It’s almost as though every pixel is programmed in an ever changing screen.

I’m very un-techsavvy so I hope I’m posting in the right place.

In: 2

4 Answers

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First: A touch screen’s touch capabilities are *completely* unrelated to its capabilities as a display and vice versa. A touch screen is basically a big touch pad like what you have on a laptop except transparent, glued on top a screen, and in the rare cases where it isn’t glued you can often actually replace one or the other in case it breaks without needing to replace the other.

Once you grasp this fact that the “touch” and “screen” are completely separate things you can more easily realize that your touches aren’t actually **directly** influencing the pixels on the screen at all. Instead the computer both are connected to reads the touch inputs, interprets it as some kind of command, and changes the pixels it is telling the screen to display.

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