How do they study the mathematics of nature ? Apparently there is mathematic of oceans and waves? How and what do they study mathematically?


How do they study the mathematics of nature ? Apparently there is mathematic of oceans and waves? How and what do they study mathematically?

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6 Answers

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Mathematics is all about studying systems that have well-defined rules and working out what the consequences of those rules are. It appears that nature follows some well-defined rules. For a simple example, we know from experiments that at ground level, dense, compact objects (i.e. those that don’t experience much drag from the air) experience constant acceleration of about 9.8 m/s^2 . We can develop a mathematical model of a hypothetical object that experiences constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 , and use it to answer questions like “How many seconds does it take the hypothetical object to fall 1 m?” Since we know that the rules of our mathematical model are very close to the rules followed by real objects, we can be confident that the conclusions we derived in our model will also apply to the real world. If we really want to be sure, we can also test whether the conclusions match the real-world results.

Oceans and waves are complicated, and many different mathematical models are used to describe different aspects of them. But the general principle is the same. You do experiments to find some rules that always seem to be followed, then you use maths to ask what would happen in a system that did follow those rules.

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