How do things expire once you open them/ expose them to oxygen when they clearly had to be exposed to air before being sealed?

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Like milk goes bad a week or two after opening it but if you don’t open it, it will stay good until the expiration date? Like yogurt, sour cream, shredded cheese. All those things. I’m confused

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a bacteria; a survivor. Before the hot times, me and all my brethren were eating and breathing and replicating with reckless abandon. We were innocent, then, and knew not of the coming trials.

But then the Pasteurization attacked. 99.9999% of my friends died in the heat. Luckily, I managed to squeak through, though I imagine had it been some kind of ultra-high pasteurization, I might not have made it. But I survived, and was even able to reproduce a little bit afterwards. Unfortunately, the Great Seal had cut off the air, and while my children and I used what oxygen we could to help repopulate the world, we ran out. We stopped spending so much energy, despite all the food all around us. And we waited, and prayed for deliverance. And lo, when the Giant One lifted the Great Seal, blessed air came to us once more. We gave thanks to the Giant One, and we feasted and divided as never before. After all, why would the Giant One deliver us oxygen if not to tell us to reproduce? Praise the Giant One, and let us multiply a trillion-fold!

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