How do those Baby Feet foot masks work? The kind where you soak your feet for 45 mins and a week later all your hard skin peels off. What’s the science behind it?


How do those Baby Feet foot masks work? The kind where you soak your feet for 45 mins and a week later all your hard skin peels off. What’s the science behind it?

In: Biology

13 Answers

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Eli5: it’s like paint thinner that slowly removes paint from a wall.

Think of skin cells like sand. Usually, when they die we shed them off like the soft sand in the Sahara desert sifting in the wind. Our feet however, due to constant pressure from supporting the body’s weight, dont slough off those dead skin cells so freely. And tend to build up like a callous on our heels and such. Think of it like those dirt pie bombs at the beach that look like rocks but break up into sand when you crush it. Exfoliating foot peels contain alpha-hydroxyl acids, called fruit acids (lactic, glycolic, and citric acid). These acids absorb into the Moisture in your skin and break down the mucopolysaccharides that bind the dead skin cells together like a liquid eraser to a pencil mark

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