How do torrents work?


Isn’t a torrent just, like…directly sharing a file from your PC? What’s all this business about “seeding” and “leeching”?

In: 517

25 Answers

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Direct download : imagine a person have a book in Spain and you in England need that book. The Spaniard give you a link to his book, and you download it sheet by sheet to your own computer

Torrent : imagine you in England need a book, and there are people in Spain, German, USA, Iraq, China, have the book you want. They seed the book and let you leech it. Sheet by sheet. Even if the Spaniard died, you still have other sources. Even an Argentinian who only have half the book can seed it for you, as long as you didn’t have the sheet he have. In the process of leeching from all over the world. You open an access to other people to leech part of the book you already own. Maybe someone from Nigeria need it too

Moral of the story …. Please seed

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