How do truck tires handle heavy cargoes without them popping because of the weight?


How do truck tires handle heavy cargoes without them popping because of the weight?

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10 Answers

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Tires all have ratings for multiple things, the main two are their ability to shed heat(speed rating) their load capacity.

Load capacity is the weight each tire can handle at proper tire inflation. You can make a tire stronger to handle more weight just like you can make a wall stonger by adding more wood or steel to it, also steel belts are inside the tires kinda like rebar in concrete and truck tires just have more and stronger belts. Truck tires are made much stronger compared to a tire meant for an economy or even a light pickup truck. They also have more tires so the entire load is spread across more tires. An 18 wheeler truck has, you guessed it…. 18 wheels so the load is spread across 18 wheels instead of the 4 on a Honda civic.

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