– How do tyre spikes stop a car?


A vehicle can still be driven some distance on a flat tyre or even two, so how do the police-deployed tyre spikes stop a vehicle so completely over such a short distance?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The spikes are hollow, so air flows out of the tyre through the spike and deflates the tyre in a relatively slow manner.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, first, there is a significant difference between 1 flat tire and 4 flat tires. Floor flat tires is gonna be significantly harder to drive on with any kind of speed.

But you’re right, you could keep rolling on floor flat tires. But at that point, what’s the point? You’re never gonna be able to maintain speed or properly turn, you’re never going to get away, why bother keep running? It’s just prolonging the inevitable. Because some people DO keep driving after their tires get popped, but again, they can’t go nearly as fast and eventually just get caught.

Also, a sudden flat tire can make a driver lose control of the vehicle, causing the driver to crash bringing them to a stop.

There are also more advanced “road spikes” that don’t just pop the tires, they actually wrap around and get tangled up in the tires/axle. now THESE spike strips actually do physically stop the person from driving because they physically jam up the wheels/axle and prevent them from spinning.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Spike strips don’t stop a fleeing vehicle. The car can still flee, but now at a speed that is much slower than with fully inflated tires. The idea is to slow the pursuit enough to reduce risk to the public.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It pops all four tires as the car drives over it. The tires burst or deflate and the car has zero traction or grip on the road. There is also much more friction from the weight of the car which slows it down. When the car can’t drive quickly or maneuver the roadway, it’s easy for police to catch up and box the car in or perform pit maneuvers