How do video games with long development periods remain up to date with current tech?


This is an extreme example but take Star Citizen for example. This game has been in development for over 10 years. How do they take what they’ve already accomplished and keep it up to date? Especially things like graphics.

In: 45

16 Answers

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Generally they don’t. There are some cases where development is incredibly long, where they will have to dedicate time and resources to doing that. Duke Nukem Forever was the joke because that happened until it actually came out.

For cases where a dev is using someone else’s engine (Unity, as an example) the updating process to a newer version is simpler.

Also, Star Citizen is just another case study in how developers are bad at running game companies. No amount of money is going to make that game come out. You’ve been scammed, unintentionally at best case.

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