how do vlans work? I always hear just put everything on a separate vlan for security but at my job we have hundreds of vlans but with rules so they can all talk to each other. What’s the point besides organization is there if they all can talk to each other?


So for example I’m on vlan 5 and another computer is on vlan 40 I can log into that machine remotely access all the same shares everything. Is there still security being on separate vlans or is it moot cause they all can talk to each other?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each VLAN is its own broadcast domain where each computer in it can talk directly to each other computer in it, without being restricted by the network infrastructure. In order to communicate with a computer in another VLAN, your computer’s data has to pass through a router, which has the capability of restricting the data in various ways.

It is far easier to restrict access between VLANs than to restrict access between computers in the same VLAN. That’s where the security benefits come from, but it’s not required that any restrictions exist.

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