How do wargames actually work?


And how realistic are they?

In: 14

7 Answers

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When I was a boot Marine stationed in Okinawa, we went on this giant field op to South Korea. We went on these transport ships and there were a whole bunch of us and a whole bunch of gear.

Being in comm, one of my jobs was to set up the command tents where all the officers are practicing their jobs (fires, logistics, air, ground combat, and the CO).

About a week in I came in for my shift where I basically sit around until someone needs help with their computer or phone or the big presentation screens. on One these screens there were two groups of Xs in different colors superimposed on a map of the area we were in. These Xs were being moved around by the commanders depending on their orders. “Supply convoy, move to location Y” “fireteam A move into position B”, that type of thing. Being a boot, I thought this was the entire operation.

When we got back to Oki, I was drinking with some grunts (infantry) who said they also just returned form Korea where they were doing a field op too. All of a sudden I realized the THEY WERE THE Xs ON THE BOARD. I was like “Hey! I saw you guys as Xs on a big board being moved around by officers in the CoC!” Which was news to them as they had never been in a command tent.

And that is how some war games are played.

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