How do we feed billions of people everyday?


We go through a lot of food everyday, how do we do that? How do we have enough food for billions of people to eat everyday? What are some of the problems that the supply chain faces these day? (Feel free to expand on any other questions too!)

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4 Answers

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so you have lots off people making food.(growing crops. farming animals etc.) these people deliver the food to distributors. which move food around so we have loots of variety. then they deliver it to shops and people buy and cook it

but I think you mean how can we organize it. so if a place has to much food the market selling them notices the surplus and demands less resupply from the distributors. electivly ordering less food for the future. this is why if there is suddenly a big demand it gets out of stock till the deitributor can react. if a big area has a shortage the distributor of that area gets out of stock and he has to go to the distributor network ordering larger summes on the world market.

this is normaly called pull logistics. a helping factor is if you have less of something you sell it for more money so that it is less likely to be bought. making it more resilient to go out of stock.

the opposite is also the case and far more frequent in developed worlds because our shops have to much on hand normaly. if you have a surpluses you lower prices what we experience as sales.

so all in all shops pull what they think they need and order more if there is a bigger demand this will automatically regulate to what we call the free market.(basically swarm intelligence)

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