how do we get goosebumps?


how do we get goosebumps?

In: 11

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are tiny muscles in your hair follicles that can make your hairs (and the follicles they’re in) stand up a bit. They’re remnants of the same muscles that are found in animals with thick fur, where they make the hair stand up on end for various reasons (threat display, extra insulation, etc).

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a sort of vestigial behavior from a fur-covered ancestor. The goosebumps are caused by tiny involuntary muscles connected to the follicles of body hair. In a furry animal, this causes the fur to puff out. If an animal is threatened, this makes it look bigger to a predator or other enemy. If the animal is cold, puffing out the fur creates a thicker, more insulating layer of air near the skin, which helps to keep warm.