How do we get moles? What is a mole, skin tag, etc?


How do we get moles? What is a mole, skin tag, etc?

In: 144

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So I’m no expert and imagine someone can explain it better than me, but there’s not a lot of comments and I’ve looked into this in the past so I’ll give it a shot.

So excluding maybe like cancer and stuff, there’s not a clear explanation for these things. Some people think it’s just genetic, which it probably is to some extent with like moles on your face and stuff. However, in some other cases people think it has to do with skin rubbing against itself causing the blood vessels to get pinched into what becomes a skin tag.

The ELI5 part: imagine you took a blanket or cloth or something, put it it between your hands, and started rubbing like you were starting a fire with a stick. The cloth would start to pull together and get all twisted, then when you pulled it apart, you’d have the wrinkles and impressions of that bunching up. I could be wrong but I imagine something similar, though not as extreme, happens with your skin. Skin rubs together and bunches up in smaller parts. The addition of blood vessels means that some of the bunches pull these vessels which get stuck. Over time the tags form from the vessels getting bunched in the same spot.

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