The estimated number of trees in the world is 3 trillion. That is around 400 trees per human.
Most used trees are quickly grown where they were cut down before and are replanted. The regrow planes are cute after a couple of years to a bit over 100 years depending on the type of tree and location. There are around 2 billion trees planted per year
The shortest cycle might be 2-5 years for energy forestry when you use coppice. You cut the tree that is above the ground and new shoots grow from the remaining stump and roots. Poplar, willow, or eucalyptus are examples of trees that are grown like this. What you get is not exactly thick pieces of wood you might think of it more thick and large shrubbery not trees. Here is an example of how it can look You often make woodchips that directly can be burned or pressed into wood pellets that you burn. Wood does not need to be in the form of big trees to be burned for energy.
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