How do we “hear” songs in our head (not from an outside external source)?


Last night I had a song “stuck in my head” for hours. It was there, palpable, as if there was a radio right next to me. Obviously that wasn’t the case, but how do we “hear” these memories?

In: 46

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our perceptions come from our brain. Yes, there are real stimuli that exist in the outside world, but those stimuli are picked up by our organs (like our ears for instance), travel through our nerves, and are processed in our brains. The brain is where our experience is. Being able to visualize or audiate something that’s not there is a function of this fact. You have a memory of what it sounds like, and your brain can do a pretty good job of recreating the experience of it. The parts of your brain that process sound are still lighting up in similar ways.

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