how do we know if we perceive colours the same way?


how do we know if we perceive colours the same way?

In: 19

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oh yay. This one again! My favorite because, guess what? We KNOW some people see different colors.
A very small percentage of women have 4 types of cones. Most people only have 3.

We actually knew this was a possibility BEFORE it could be proven due to dissection of cadaver eyes, but could not prove it due to the problem described in this philosophy question..

Technology had to catch up. Enter LED monitors. They made a custom monitor with 4 leds. Red, green, blue, and yellow. On half the screen they used normal RGB to make a solid color, on the other half they mixed all 4 to make the same color. Only the women with 4 cones could tell the difference.

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