How do we know time exists and isn’t just an imaginary measurement?


How do we know time exists and isn’t just an imaginary measurement?

In: Physics

7 Answers

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There is both a subjective and objective elements. It is not an illusion. It is not a flow of continuous ‘ now’s ‘ although there is a real ‘now’s in time.

See “ New Advent- Catholic Encyclopedia “. Go to letter ‘T’ and scroll down to “ Time “ Read it for sure!

The measure of motion is time. No one has definition of time but we know a lot about the nature of time. Time as a duration is the continued existence of motion. Time is also a measure the definition of which is the number of movement in respect of before and after. Time and motion differ. Motion belongs to the thing that is moving and can be fast or slow. Time however is everywhere and is not fast or slow.

Time is intimately connected with succession. Time is a measure of movement and that which is not in time is immobile. And time is not the same as movement since it is its measure. The words ‘ in respect of before and after ‘ indicate that time does not apply to movement precisely as movement, but in so far as it is successive. Today, in nature, there is no known movement that is absolutely uniform. In a wide sense past, present, and future are parts of time.

The duration of motion is not a reality found in nature apart from the mind. It is our mind, endowed with memory, which gives unity to motion, and to the duration of motion, as a whole. Further, its duration is the foundation of time as a measure, since only in so far as it is an enduring whole does it lend itself to measurement.

In so far as time exists, it does so by reason of the present instant, which is not a part of time. It is present only in so far as it is considered by the mind in relation to past and future but it clearly does not make the past or present exist.

So neither time as a duration nor as a measure exist or are real apart from the mind. This should not blind us to the fact that there is an element of time which has an extra-mental existence, viz. the indivisible of time, the instant.

The very totality of time is comprehended through the ordering of the soul which enumerates before and after in motion. Taken as a whole duration or measure exists in the mind only.

“ Modern Thomistic Philosophy “ R.P. Phillips.

I have read on Quota time and entropy have nothing to do with one another. Furthermore, to a physicist time is what a clock measures. Physicists use time but I don’t think they really have any idea what it is no matter how many books they write. It is a philosophical measure. Because they consider the arrow of time and wonder why time goes forward and are confused about it does not mean others are not more than competent to discuss this.

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