How do we know time exists and isn’t just an imaginary measurement?


How do we know time exists and isn’t just an imaginary measurement?

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t, not in a “we are absolutely sure and can prove it” sort of way. What we do know is that we seem to have both a personal and shared experience of time, and (at least at the macro or emergent level) our physical laws incorporate time. Ultimately, that’s about it. There’s nothing we can touch or point to and say, “See that? That right there is ‘time’.”

But go one step further, how do we know ANYTHING exists and isn’t imaginary beyond our personal and apparently shared experiences? And ultimately even if nothing “exists” independent of our/your imagining of it, isn’t that still a form of existence? My imagination exists, my thoughts exist, maybe that’s all there is?

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