How do we know what we know or don’t know? What is the absolute entity in nature?


How do you simply explain how we know the things we know about the observable universe.

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6 Answers

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All we have is observation. This is limited by our brains’ ability to comprehend things. There is a concept worth discussing called the phaneron. The phaneron is what is taking place in your mind. It doesn’t necessarily correlate to reality but it is your reality. So, we can make many assumptions about reality but ultimately we are limited by our lonely, unshared perspective. Here’s an example Vsauce taught me: imagine you and your cat are both hanging out near a computer. You are using the keyboard and mouse to play a game on the computer. In your mind, you are using two input devices to interact with a computer. In the cat’s mind, he’s witnessing you play with some objects that give off light and warmth. You are both looking at the same object but your interpretations are different. When we look to the cosmos, we are the cat and the mysteries are the keyboard and mouse in this analogy. There are things beyond our comprehension. So all we know is our version of reality.

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