That’s a good question, and the answers are these:
Firstly, as pointed out by others, our immune systems are capable of dealing with most bacteria and pathogens carried by our pets.
Secondly, pets do a lot of self-cleaning during a normal day. Cats do it multiple times a day and dogs do it less often and much less comprehensively, but they still do it, especially around the nasty parts.
Thirdly, assuming you change your bed dress often enough, you get rid of a lot of said bacteria and pathogens by virtue of washing said bed dress.
And lastly, even though the quote ‘sunlight is the best disinfectant’ (L. Brandeis) originally applies to politics, it also applies here: sunlight (via UV rays) and fresh air (via air circulation) help eliminate a lot of the potentially nasty stuff that lives in and on your bed so long as a/ you open your bed and pull back the covers every day when you get up and b/ you actually let sunlight/daylight into your bedroom during the day.
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