How do wireless signals get to its destination?


There are billions of mobile phones all communicating with each other sending wireless signals across the globe. How does each signal know where to go exactly, and how are they not intercepted by other signals?

In: 9

28 Answers

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Each phone has a unique code/number assigned. Let’s say you’re in California and you call your friend in New York. Your phone is in the area of a cell tower, not too far away (if it wasn’t, got would have no signal), and it tells that tower, “I’m here, here’s my number and carrier information.” Your friend in New York’s phone does the same thing with his closest tower.

When you make your call, your phone tells the tower, “Connect me to the phone with number xxx.” Your service provider knows where all its towers are, and all the phones that are connected to each. It says, okay that phone is connected to a tower in New York, I’ll connect them. The service provider has your friend’s local tower reach out to his phone and say “Lauty_6 wants to talk to you” and his phone shows your number as incoming. If he accepts the call, then the service provider makes the connection for you.

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