how do wires work?


I learnt in one of my classes that “current flows in the path of least resistance” but how does the current know which path is least resistant?

In: 5

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine it more like the flow of water (or electrons)

If you have a really big bucket full of water, and you poke two holes in the bottom, one big and one small, more water flows out of the bigger hole.

Electrons are very similar. If more of them can pass through a certain space (bigger wires, different materials) then that is where they will go.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t “know” basically it attempts to go down every possible path and the other electrons queue up behind , when one moves another jumps in behind it and so on as the current starts to flow in a similar way how lightning strikes make it to the ground.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“current flows in the path of least resistance” is oversimplified.

Current flow through every path. The path with overwhelmingly low resistance has overwhelmingly more current flow through it, but it takes every other path as well.

Using water analogy(which is not exactly right, but close enough), you have a big pipe split into 2 paths one is bigger than the other. More water will obviously go to the bigger pipe(it’s bigger duh!), the individual water molecule itself doesn’t know that, it just goes with the flow.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Current doesn’t “know” anything.

What happens is that charges have different potential energy at different points in a circuit. Let’s say there is a potential energy difference at point A and point B. The energy difference per unit charge is referred to voltage (V) across A and B.

In a circuit, what we find is that the current (I – in units of amount of charge per unit time flowing through) between A and B is proportional to the voltage. This proportionality is given by V = I * R where R is called the resistance between A and B (note: this is a simplification because there’s also something called reactance, but this is a whole other discussion). Just like a ball having higher potential energy at the top of a slope compared to the bottom, current flows from high potential to low potential.

Higher resistance with the same voltage means lower current and vice versa.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“How does it know this?” is one of the most persistent questions here and the answer is usually that what we are talking about is a physical phenomenon, has no brain, and doesn’t think. Trying to imagine that it thinks is what makes the question hard to answer.

In this case it’s the same reason why you don’t float into space and leave the planet: gravity is a force acting on your body and it pulls you towards the Earth. Your feet don’t “know how to stick to the ground”, your body is being pulled towards it! The same kind of phenomenon is how electricity behaves.

Electricity in wires is a lot like water in pipes, and that’s easier to visualize. Imagine I have a water hose and I put a splitter at the end. Normally this means 50% of water will go to the left and 50% will go to the right. Now imagine I attach an adapter to the left side that funnels its water through a smaller hose, like a drinking straw. If we do this and measure how much water is coming out of each side, we’ll see that while there’s a strong stream of water coming out of the left-side straw there’s more total water coming out of the right-side hose. Why?

Well, the water coming out of the faucet is trying to push all the water in front of it further down the hose. When it pushes on water at the splitter, it tries to push water both ways.

The left side fills up with water very quickly because the drinking straw is small. Once it fills up, to put more water into the straw involves pushing the water already inside of it out. This takes a bit of effort, so if we were drawing a Physics diagram we’d say the water in the straw is pushing back a little bit against the water in the hose. But since there’s a lot more water behind the straw than in front of it, the hose wins.

The right-side hose doesn’t fill up with water as fast. That means while the straw is pushing back a little bit, the right-side hose can still easily take on water and isn’t pushing backwards.

So what’s happening is while 50% of the water still TRIES to go into the straw, since the water in the full straw pushes back not all of that 50% gets to go inside. It’s still being pushed, so it gets pushed over to the right side where there is less water pushing backwards. That means by making the left side smaller, I caused extra pressure in the hose that makes more than 50% of the water go out of the right side. Nothing is thinking. Stuff’s just getting pushed and going where it gets pushed.

ALL of that is how wires work. Lower resistance paths are like bigger hoses: they can “fit” more electricity before they start pushing back. Higher resistance paths are like smaller hoses: they “fill up” and start pushing back faster. So when electricity is being pushed and two paths exist, less electricity flows along paths with higher resistance. Just like how if I clog up a hose no water can move through it, some materials like rubber push back so hard no electricity can flow through them. And if we set it up so there’s one wire with high resistance and one wire with low resistance, we see it like my straw and hose example where *some* electricity goes through the high resistance wire but *most* of it goes through the low resistance wire.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrons like to spread out through metal the same way water likes to spread out in puddles. If you connect two things together with a wire, electrons can flow between them. If you connect two ends of two things, like a battery and a lightbulb, electrons can go in a loop, pushed by the battery.