This may be different in other country jurisdictions, but usually, the “non-profit” part of the title just has to do with what the organization does with its revenue. The organization can sell products or services to raise money. It can pay employees a salary or wages.
It’s just that whatever money is left over at the end — the profit — can’t be distributed to owners or shareholders as would happen in a company. It has to be retained by the organization and reinvested into furthering the goals of the organization.
Non-profit just means there are no dividends to shareholders and the business must spend all the money they make on furthering their mission.
This includes paying their employees.
Their mission is the reason this company was created and unlike for-profit company the answer isn’t to turn profit for its founders.
I work for a state funded program for blind and handicap but we sell solar and mining hooks to hold wires, has been in business for year’s because it gives mentally disabled individuals a place to work and have a normal life since most places wouldn’t hire.
We have a certain amount of individuals that the state gives which makes us non-profit. Granted they can pay regular employees and get bonuses and all that but it’s mainly for the individuals and we make money along with that as I started above our products. The extra we make is put back into the company to grow, we can have some saved to my knowledge but only a certain amount each year.
Hell last year we got to go to idle wild like 500 people that company paid for including us regulars was great!. This year it’s a Zoo trip.
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