how do you remove rust with a laser?


Recently, I’ve seen several rust removal videos. At first I thought laser sort of “scraped off” the rust, but looking closely, I see no rust being blown away or rust powder left on the table where they perform such removal. What is really happening? Does the laser gets evaporated in the air? Or is it being “melt”? I’m curious. Cheers!

In: 20

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing you might want to be a little careful of (hopefully you’ll know this anyway, but I don’t want anybody to suffer by being caught out, so I’ll say it anyway) is that there are quite a lot of ‘faked up’ scam videos going around at the moment from companies trying to sell ‘laser rust removal’ tools for suspiciously low prices, as if the technology’s suddenly been cracked to make it super cost-effective. As far as I’m aware, it hasn’t, and the genuine tools are still very expensive.
It’s a bit like the explosion in the quantity of ‘paper-thin TV’ videos going around. Companies have started making exceptionally convincing videos marketing products that they simply don’t have available for the prices that they’re claiming. I hope it helps.

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