how do zero calorie drinks/foods work?


how do zero calorie drinks/foods work?

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6 Answers

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Someone already answered for things like diet sodas where the flavoring is negligible calories and the sweeteners are either extremely powerful and can be used so sparingly that it counts as zero, or just not absorbed by the body, making it effectively zero.
Low calorie things with less sugar like certain candies can have sugar alcohols like sorbitol which technically do have calories but are absorbed less by the body. The lack of absorption is also why these can give people diarrhea because it isn’t really processed by the body.

There’s also some creative rounding going on.
For example, some small mints and candies like Tic-Tacs are mostly just plain sugar, but can be classified as zero because if it’s lower than 5 calories, it can be rounded down to zero.

So they’re *technically* not zero calorie, but on their own relatively insignificant enough to say zero. Also how the negligible amount of calories from flavors counts as zero.

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