How does 5G make IoT reachable?


As someone with extremely limited knowledge on the matter I don’t quite grasp how 5G would make IoT so much easier to achieve on a big scale than 4G (LTE?). The media often mention that “interconnected cities/smart cars/etc” are within hand’s reach with this technology but is it true? And if it is, is 4G’s reachable speed too low to be used here or is it about some other aspect of the technology?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re seeing a lot of hype about 5G and IoT, then that’s all it is, just hype. 5G can’t do anything 4G can’t, with respect to IoT. 5G comm chips *might* eventually be slightly smaller, cheaper and consumer less power than 4G chips, for no other reason than standard advancements in technology. And they should be able to communicate faster, and on frequencies that are less congested than other wireless networks.

But introducing widespread 5G won’t magically make cars start talking to traffic lights, the tech behind IoT still needs to be implemented, and 5G doesn’t change anything fundamental about that. Where IoT progress lacks, it’s mostly due to cost, effort, low/no return on investment, lack of common standards (functionality, messaging protocols etc), lack of imagination or good use cases, bureaucratic red tape etc.