I’ve been making music since 2009 and I’ve never had a proper listening equipment until end of 2022, so that’s a long road of never knowing how to properly master my songs (construction is nice to me but mastering was impossible)
I need to know compression which is what I’m always criticized, though even that one meme comparing a compressor to your mother to explain how it works doesn’t get inside my brain
and i feel like my ears can’t pick frequencies well to equalise anything, my biggest issue in mastering
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A compressor is designed to reduce the dynamic range of an audio track. If you have a recording that has some really quiet parts and some really loud parts a compressor can lower the volume of the loud parts to make the volume more uniform across the recording. A compressor has two main controls, the threshold and the ratio. The threshold controls when compressor starts to kick in. The ratio controls how much the audio is compressed. So when you set the threshold you basically saying I want everything above this volume level to have it’s volume lowered and when you set the ratio you’re telling the compressor how much you want it lowered. Compressors will usually have controls for attack and release as well. Attack controls how fast the compressor kicks in once it is triggered and release controls how long it remains active once it is no longer triggered. There are a lot of cool and interesting ways to use a compressor but the main function is to reduce dynamic range.
Also, a limiter is basically a compressor with the ratio set to the maximum.
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