How does a country like Nort Korea seem to have endless money for its army and develop nuclear weapons despite being one of the most sanctionned country in the world?


How does a country like Nort Korea seem to have endless money for its army and develop nuclear weapons despite being one of the most sanctionned country in the world?

In: 1447

42 Answers

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As a sovereign state, DPRK emits its own money, so it will always have as much as it wants. So, your question should be reworded into:

>How does a country like North Korea seems to have **enough resources** for its army and to develop nuclear weapons despite being one of the most sanctioned countries in the world?

Now, considering that it is sanctioned and not liked by some powerful states out there, DPRK **should** prioritize defence, least it ceases to exist, and so one must assume^because_few_true_info_come_from_there it does so, which, again, one must assume, causes some disparity in budget spending.

But then, one may also ask:

>How does a country like North Korea manages to have **ANY resources** for its army and to develop nuclear weapons despite being one of the most sanctioned countries in the world?

And to that the answers are:

* Even a small country may achieve a lot if properly managed, especially if the manner of management overcomes core inefficiencies of capitalist economies by ascending above that type of economical structure.

* Being sanctioned by the “Free world”^TM does not mean being sanctioned by all the world, and DPRK has its allies too, some of the most powerful states on the Earth among them.

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