: How does a digital clock that operates fully on electrition keeps the correct time when it’s unplugged?


: How does a digital clock that operates fully on electrition keeps the correct time when it’s unplugged?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They have smaller stand by batteries just like the ones in our laptops

And if it has wireless capabilities like wifi or cellular connectivity then it could sync upon that
(Depends on country and model of clock)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some digital clocks have small battery backups that keep the time even when they are unplugged, though this only works for a short duration.

Particularly sophisticated clocks are able to connect either to the internet or to a special radio signal maintained by the government ([Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWVB) is the one for the US). This lets them quicky find out the current time no matter how long they have been unplugged.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Europe has DCF77 that send actual time im every minute. Small clocks can have little radio reciver that synchronize time

Anonymous 0 Comments

If it is a bedside clock, a battery. Used to be 9v ones, but I bet the newer ones use smaller batteries now.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It either has a battery backup, or it has some kind of connection to find the correct time when it gets plugged in (e.g. an antenna that receives the atomic clock signal, or an internet connection)