How does a dryer work better than using a clothesline?


How does a dryer work better than using a clothesline?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have only basic knowledge(i own a dryer), but Dryer go brr, spinning fast and hot makes it dry faster than hanging it outsiide, where wind isn’t constant. It dries in the sun, which is not as fast as a dryer going brrrrr.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not really about better Timmy, it’s about saving time.

Dryers are predictable champ, you put your clothes in and an hour or so later they are done, clotheslines depend on the weather, not particularly dry or sunny out you might be waiting six to eight hours for your clothes to get sort of dry.

A good summer day in Phoenix and 15 minutes is all you need.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A dryer gets to 125-135° F, which is pretty darn hot. No matter how humid it is indoors, that heat will soak up moisture from the clothes and whisk it away through the vent.

Tumbling ensures the heat gets applied to all the surfaces of your clothing; it also keeps your clothes from “sticking” in the position they dried in, like hanging them does.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s actively blowing hot air over the clothes. Hot blowing air dries things faster than just sitting in the air outside. A dryer is like being on a clothesline on a 180F day with a constant wind.

Heat: Water evaporates faster the hotter it is, and a dryer gets WAY hotter than it could ever be outside. You’ll notice that clothes on a clothesline dry faster the hotter it is outside – well a dryer is like being on a clothesline when it’s like 80C / 180 F outside.

Air movement: The air from the dryer is constantly being blown outside and replaced with more hot dry air. This air movement carries all the moisture away from the clothes as fast as it can evaporate, speeding up the drying rate even more. You’ll notice clothes on a clothesline dry faster the windier it is too. Well, inside a dryer is real windy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A dryer does not work better than a clothesline. It severely degrades the quality of clothing due to the high heat and tumbling. Shrinkage, color fading, fabric wears and tears over time are all very common symptoms. A lot of good clothing brands will advise you to not use a dryer at all.

Dryers can be more *convenient* than a clothesline. You may not have enough space to hang your clothes, or no sunshine, or no time. The high heat and air circulation helps dry things faster.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t.

If you had two identical washes and put one on the line and the other in the dryer then the same total energy would be required to evaporate the same amount of water retained in the clothes. Dry is dry however you achieve it.

The dryer simply applies that amount energy much more quickly so the clothes dry quicker.