How does a gradient work in vector graphics?


How does a gradient work in vector graphics?

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Vector graphics aren’t you know, 100% absolutely vector all the time, right before we see the images, they need to be converted in bitmap sometime, because screens have pixels and they need bitmap information to know which pixels to light and with which color

What ve got with vector graphics is a way to generate different bitmap images using a mathematical curve that you can freely manipulate, like zooming in etc… but in the end you’re always generating a bitmap image, even if it’s real time, even videogames in the end of the rendering pipeline process also generate bitmap frames

The thing with gradients is that it’s not exactly multiple vectorized curves of the gradient colors, it’s always a bitmap effect generated in real time, it’s a interpolation of colors based on the position of each gradient color orign in relation to the vector curve element (and masked by the element), so if you zoom a lot the interpolation values will also be zoomed in and colors will look closer from one pixel to another

Needless to say that since everything I said in the end of the day is bitmap and due to the non continuous nature of classic computers, the values are never perfect representations of what is mathematically happening in the image model, but really close approximations that the human eye can’t notice differences in a high definition screen with anti aliasing effect on the borders

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