How does a gun silencer work? It seems the noisy part would be on the back of the gun where the hammer hits the bullet, not where the bullet exits. (I know nothing about guns)


How does a gun silencer work? It seems the noisy part would be on the back of the gun where the hammer hits the bullet, not where the bullet exits. (I know nothing about guns)

In: 6

5 Answers

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What you hear when a gun is fired is a combination of sounds simultaneously. To keep it simple. 1- is the explosion of gases exiting the barrel as the bullet propels forward. 2- Is when the bullet breaks the sound barrier. (There are more, but will focus on these two sounds) a silencer is meant to absorb the explosion of gases in the first sound. You would then need to also use a lower velocity bullet to reduce the second sound. Unfortunately, movies/TV/games have lied to us, because even with a silencer and low velocity bullet, there is still an audible sound.

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