How does a hacker hacks into a CCTV camera?


I am renovating my house and I wanted to install a couple of CCTV cameras. I wanted to be aware if anyone can hack into the camera and if yes, what should I take care of to avoid the same?

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4 Answers

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It depends on what kind of System you have in mind. If you use a cam that is wired directly into a pc with an hdmi cabel, hacking is not possible (other then someone accessing your pc directly). If you use a cam that uses a wired network connection, the possiblity of hacking is someone hacking into your wifi, you should make sure to have a secure wifi password and change the password to access the wifi router. If you want a cam that is connected with wifi to your network the problem could be someone could connect from the outside to the cam directly, you cant realy do anything about other then hoping the cams security features are good enough. The next possible access is if you want to see the footage online either through an app or a website. At this point hacking doesnt require someone to be close to your house anymore but they can hack it from anywhere and you are dependend that the company providing the app/website is securing the footage enough that only you can access it.

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