How does a host PC remain free from viruses on a VM?


Hello everyone,

I recently heard that a host PC is unaffected from viruses that have infected a virtual machine on that PC? How can this be the case, as both share the same hardware?

In: 9

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

VMs are commonly set up so that the Guest OS doesn’t have access to the local drives of the Host computer other than a virtual disk image, or/and a user-defined list of folder(s) the Guest can access.

This provides a layer of isolation between the two OSs, as neither can communicate with each other, and the user would have to deliberately run code provided by one OS after copying it to a location accessible to the other.

Eli5: imagine trying to break out of jail when you’re walled in a small collection of rooms that you’re not allowed to leave

Anonymous 0 Comments

As far as the programs running in the VM are concerned, the only things that exists are the “fake” hardware that the hypervisor simulates for the VM. It’s pretty hard to copy stuff to/from a hard drive when every tool you can reach says said hard drive doesn’t exist!

Of course, running on the same physical hardware *does* have security implications, this is what is especially problematic about [Spectre, Meltdown]( and [Rowhammer]( – they provide a way to sneak information into/out of supposedly isolated environments that run on the same hardware.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everything that happens in the guest is controlled by the host.

The guest has a complete operating system, like Windows. Windows starts up and starts doing the normal things it does when it boots a computer. The trick is that when it tries to access the hardware, the host intercepts it and gives it access to “pretend” hardware.

For example, when the guest tries to access its hard drive, the host pretends it only has a 10 GB HD. Really it’s accessing a 10 GB file on your larger hard drive, but the guest can’t tell the difference.

It’s kind of like the Truman Show, if you’ve ever seen that movie. The guest thinks it’s running on real hardware, but really the host is intercepting its attempts to interact with its hardware and simulating hardware.

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible for a virus to escape a VM. That has happened, when there are serious bugs in the VM software, and a virus specifically exploits those. Overall those bugs are rare and VMs are designed to be very secure.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The VM is like a fenced off portion of your computer that has no way out except for the ways you allow on purpose. The VM thinks it has, say, a 40GB hard disk but it’s actually just a 40GB file on your 4000GB hard disk. It thinks it has 2GB of RAM but that’s a 2GB section of your 32GB RAM. It thinks it has 1 slow processor core but it’s actually just the VM restricting itself to using a small percentage of your 4 core CPU.

These resources are walled off so there’s no way for the software inside the VM to access the rest of your computer. If a virus in the VM would try to do an operating system call, for example the windows CreateFile function to create a file, it gets to the operating system inside the VM, not the one outside.

If you don’t like what’s happening inside the VM, you can delete it and make another.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The fact it runs on the same hardware isn’t super important, given most malware doesn’t infect hardware. For the rare malware that does (ie. firmware/UEFI malware), they have to get past the hardware abstraction layer that the hypervisor presents to the VM to access, which isn’t easy.

Most malware instead affects the file system of the environment you’re running in (ie. user files, applications and the OS). Since the file system of a VM is typically contained within the VM itself (virtual disks) and it does not share a file system with the host, any malware that infects the guest will not infect the host.

Unless the malware is specifically designed to exploit a vulnerability in the hypervisor and allows it to escape.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is not completely true. If host and guest have same OS (i.e. Windows) and you configured a shared folder, a virus can pass from guest to host. Moreover a well written malware could still “jump” from guest to host also with no shared folder.
So always keep antivirus running on a windows host.