How does a human body detect damage, and how does it go about repairing that?


How does a human body detect damage, and how does it go about repairing that?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wonder about that a lot. I started working out again and I almost never got muscle soreness when I was younger. Now, I have DOMS after every workout and it take 3-4 days before I can workout that muscle group again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When a cell is stressed it will release chemical signals. If the cell is damaged the body will detect the presence of free floating cell material and that will trigger an immune response. Platlets floating by will be dragged into any gap in a blood vessel to plug the hole. Then, Different cells will come to the area to clean up the damaged pieces and the neighboring cells will be stimulated to divide and repair the gap.

It’s obviously a lot more complicated than that but that’s the general idea. There is no central response system exactly. Rather your immune cells are constantly on patrol and respond appropriately when they detect problems.