How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?


How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?

In: 1426

114 Answers

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Art directors! Art bibles. Style guides. Google can show lots of examples of these.

They have all kinds of examples like “Remember, this character’s hair is always floofy.” Examples of how a character would look happy, sad, distrustful, angry. Line-ups of characters next to each other. There can be colors graphs that show the color distributions- some colors even have particular names and numbers one how to recreate.

New artists can read the style guide and bible to get the basics, and reverse engineer how all their fellow artists are doing it before digging in. And the art director can offer feedback and guidance too.

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