How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?


How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?

In: 1426

114 Answers

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In short, master style guide documents. A small number of people will be involved in making these documents, and then everyone else who is working on the project ends up working within the parameters they have.

Further, a most of the aspects of the design get assigned to smaller teams, so you might have a group of three or four artists working on sets, five or six on character design (with your main characters and filler characters being separate sub-teams), two or three people on just lighting, four on large body animation, another four on facial animation, a few on virtual camera movement, and so on.
As you get more things blocked out into place, you can have even more people working on more specific things which don’t overlap enough for your brain to be able to tell if different artists working in slightly different styles did them as long as they work to the master guide. For instance, with *The Incredibles* you wouldn’t be able to tell if Edna had a different artist working on how the fabrics she wore specifically looked as opposed to Kari’s fabrics. Or rather, your brain would make the assumption that any differences were actual differences in the fabrics

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