How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?


How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?

In: 1426

114 Answers

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Generally an artist is the lead kn a project or a specific character. They create reference images, say of Pikachu facing straight forward, looking left, looking right, from behind, standing, sitting, holding something etc… this gets relayed to the other artists as the definitive “this is Pikachu”.

The animators then do their sketches and those get sent to the supervisor, they may call for adjustments or make changes themselves. For example, Pikachu ear looks too long.

Sometimes, these will be fed to a retouch team that will take all the pieces and do minor adjustments for the scene or composting making sure Pikachu and charmander are staged properly.

Corridor Crew has a great video where they talked to animators from disney, it gives some perspective on the steps and processes.

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